Okay. So having a diaper station in the most busiest rooms in your house is a no-brainer. Believe it or not, I carried Hue to his changing mat on top of his dresser in his bedroom for at least the first 2 years of his life. It wasn’t until he became too heavy to carry that I started to keep a little container with a lid full of diapers, diaper cream spray, a blanket (for poopy diapers so everything stays on the blanket) and wipes. He also became too big for his changing mat/table around the same time he became too heavy. For reference Hue is off the charts (literally) when it comes to his height so he is taller/bigger than an average toddler his age. For two years we used the set up below (with smaller diapers, these are pull-ups because Hue does not fit in diapers anymore) and changed Hue only on his changing pad. The set-up looked very similar to this:`

Above has all your basics: day + night diapers, wipes, creams and some first aid things handy if needed like a thermometer and booger getter and things along those lines.

When my husband casually left out some diapers on our media counsel I was blown away at the ease and convenience. I saw friends do this is their homes but I felt like our home is under 1000 sq ft – we can walk to the bedroom to change Hue. That was true while he was small and easy to carry. We now mostly change him in the living room. His set up looks like this:

I got the white container with a bamboo lid from here. It’s a great container that hides all the diaper stuff but also makes it so easy to grab the whole container when needed! I love that it sits in plain site but is still put-together looking.

Currently, this is what his diaper drawer looks like in the bedroom. We keep his pull-ups in the closet since they are bigger and now we have a lot more first aid like things in these drawers. We still use this drawer daily but just differently.


So add that second diaper station if you feel you need it! Waive the notion that you are being lazy. Ease + convenience is okay. Hopefully you don’t wait as long as I did!