I had an idea for this cape for Hue for a long time. I had a lot of leftover felt from when I made him some art for his nursery while I waited for Hue in my last two weeks of pregnancy. I wanted him to have a generic cape. He is in deep with Spiderman and Paw Patrol but this is really for his dress-up collection. It will hang next to his doctor coat, spaceman suit and chef apron.

Here is what you need:

Felt (in any color you want)

Fabric Glue (I used this glue)


Velcro tabs

butcher paper (to make cape pattern)

Pencil or pen for marking pattern

Star printable (download printable here)

Cape Pattern (mine looked like this on paper, but I figured it out as I went) Cape pattern printable here

Here is how you make the cape:

I used butcher paper to make a pattern. I had Hue lay down and put the butcher paper on his back. I marked the paper at each shoulder edge and around his ankles. At this point I wasn’t sure if I was going to sew or glue this together so I left some seam allowance. I ended up gluing so the apron is a little big on Hue but it’s fine, he will totally grow into it. Then I took a ruler or tape measure and connected the marks to make a basic cape shape.

Once I have the basic cape shape I cut it out on the butcher paper and lay the cut out cape shape on top of some felt. I pinned it, then cut it. Once the felt cape shape is cut I put it on Hue’s back to see how it looked. Once I was happy with it. I then took the butcher paper cape shape and drew 3 large stripes. I measured so the space between stripes were even. Then I cut those out on the butcher paper, pinned it to another color felt fabric and cut the felt into stripes.

I then printed out the different sizes of stars and cut those out. Once I had all my pieces I decided to glue everything. I trimmed everything so my edges were smooth. I then added some straps at the top to corners and glued to attach and added some velcro which I glued so they would stay.

Arm Cuffs. I just measured Hue’s wrist with the felt and cut into the shape I wanted. I laid the piece I liked on top of another piece of felt and trimmed that. Then I had two cuffs. I glued the velcro to the cuffs (the sticky back of the velcro didn’t really stick to the felt so I glued it.) I cut out two stars in contrasting felt and glued to the middle of the cuffs.

Then I had Hue try it all on and look in a mirror. It’s the cutest thing ever. Plus, he watched me make this so he was involved in helping which totally adds to the excitement.

Here is what Hue is going to be for Halloween:

Ryder from Paw Patrol. He already introduces himself as Ryder all day, everyday so why not dress him up too! We got his Ryder jacket from here.

Spiderman. He is a huge fan of Spidey and friends. This muscle outfit was a must! We actually got a 3-4 toddler size from Target but it was too snug so I got a 3-4 from here and it was a bit roomier. He will still grow out of it soon but I couldn’t find the next size up so this works.