Every once in a while I have a DIY that just goes wrong in every way possible. This is definitely a project that went sideways. I have been dreaming of making a snow globe with Hue for a while now and was excited to make it. I used this Martha Stewart tutorial. I ♥ Martha along with the rest of the crafter community but I find her tutorials to be more miss than hit. I know that is a controversial sentence I just typed. I apologize in advance. I made a Meyer Lemon pasta once and it was the worst thing I have ever made and I’m a pretty good cook. With all this said I would use the same tutorial with caution and use my corrections as a helpful guide. I ♥ Martha forever!


Clear Drying Epoxy


Glass or Plastic Jars

Oil Based Paint/Paintbrush


Bottle brush trees




A lot of my mistakes were user error but I will point out where I went wrong and how I am going to try to fix it.

The first thing to do is paint the lid a festive color if it’s not. My lid was white and I should have just left it white. My first mistake was I used washable acrylic paint when I was supposed to use an oil based paint. So, the snow globe that I painted is now totally green, as in the water is green. This was mistake #1.

The next thing you should do is take the epoxy to the bottom of your bottle brush trees and figurines and glue to the inside of the lid. I had never used drying epoxy before so I had my husband help me get the glue out. I don’t know if we did it wrong but I was left with a puddle of epoxy and worked fast to get the Q-Tip into the epoxy and then add it to the bottom of my tree/figurine. I ended up dipping the bottom of the items straight into the epoxy puddle to save time. The epoxy has a fast dry time and smelled awful so I just wanted this part to be over with. I don’t know if I didn’t put enough epoxy on the items or what but they have all become unattached in the water once I assembled the snow globe. It didn’t happen right away, maybe a couple hours after submerging in water. I figured this would work since the epoxy instructions said it should work in water. I am going to re-do these with super glue. See if that works. I will update here when I get around to fixing them. It looked like a snow tornado happened inside my DIY snow globe. Mistake #2.

After you have added the epoxy and let the items dry to the inside of your lid. I let them dry for about 24 hours but the epoxy package said it was completely dry in like 30 minutes or something around there. Then I added regular water not distilled (Mistake #3) like the tutorial said. I added a dash of Glycerin and it was supposed to be a sprinkle of glitter. They warned not to add too much. We added too much (mistake #4) and glitter hangs out at the top. The tutorial warns against adding too much glitter for this reason.

After all these steps you are done. The tutorial doesn’t say anything about gluing the top to the jar. I didn’t and am glad I didn’t because I am going to try super glue for a redemption round.

I have to say even though I had wanted to make a snow globe for a long time, I was super intimidated to make it. It seemed difficult and it kind of was. They are cute but a lot of work and troubleshooting is involved. I wouldn’t call this an easy DIY.

With all that said… I hope you try it and have better luck than I did! ♥