Super easy project/DIY. I made these for Hue’s valentine cards that he will pass out in his preschool class. (His very first time passing out Valentine Cards!!!) So cute! So, Hue wanted to help when I pulled out all of his crayons. I just made sure that I kept him away from the oven steps since Hue is only 3. The crayons are still hot liquid when they first come out of the oven and take a little bit to set up.

You will need a silicone mold in any shape you like. I had this heart mold on hand that i got at Target’s $1 area last year. I used it for these heart chocolates. Now, I will only use it for non-food purposes going forward. I did look for some paw patrol silicone molds but then I remembered I had this and it was perfect for Valentine’s day! Silicone molds preferred so you can peel the firmed of crayon out.


A silicone mold (I placed my silicone mold on a baking sheet)

Crayons – peeled of any paper and cut into smaller shapes if you have longer pieces

Vegetable Spray

Utility knife/Exacto/Hammer


I used this tutorial for the main how-to’s like how long and at what temp to cook at. Her pictures helped me figure out how small to make my crayon bits. I skimmed the rest and figured it out as I went along.

I first gathered all of Hue’s crayons and sorted the ones that had no paper on or were small. Then I grabbled the cracked ones and peeled any paper off.

Then I took a Utility knife and cut the bigger pieces into smaller pieces. Hue had a play hammer and started hitting the crayons with it. It was quite effective as well and very fun for him to do!

Then I brought the smaller bits into the kitchen in a small bowl. I sprayed the silicone mold with vegetable spray. Then I had Hue on a step stool and we arranged the crayon bits in the mold together.

Then I placed the mold on a baking sheet in the oven at 200 for about 10 minutes or until fully melted. After baking I let them cool until they were a solid state and cool to touch. I peeled them out of the silicone molds and I ended up with beautiful heart-shaped crayons!

I will be showing you how I made these into Valentine Cards very soon!

Love these just as crayons but they are cute as a gift too! A great toddler activity minus the oven and hot liquid part.