Can you believe it’s already gift guide time? Where is all the time going? I actually bumped this post up two weeks because this is really for my almost 3 year old birthday and holiday gift guide which happens to all happen in the same month! I realized that if people actually used this than I should give them some time. Here is what we are into right now:






A lot of these we already have and are hiding at my parents house since we are seriously lacking hiding room! If we have it I have this at the end: (We already have this!)

This cute A-frame Cabin was too cute to pass up. I was going back and forth wondering if I should get it or not when I saw it for double the price on e-bay! Then the first car pick-up cancelled because they no longer had the product available so I wasn’t even sure we were going to be able to get this. On the second  car-pick up it was successful. I decided to assemble right away in case any parts were missing. It only took me an hour + a half. Insert bulging eyes face emoji here. So, now it’s fully assembled sitting in one of my parents closets! (We already have this!)

These cute trees were shown in the initial picture for the A-frame cabin so of course I had to get them when I saw them on the store shelf! Same with these cute animals. I am holding off on any furniture until I see how Hue really plays with this. If we add furniture it will be slow – it is so expensive, I am not quite sure about the sizing and I don’t really love most dollhouse furniture styles. I have found some cute stuff on Etsy though… If we do get furniture I will be going for a minimal cabin feel. (We already have these!)

With all my Cabin A-Frame searching I kept coming across this play kitchen mixer. I felt that it too was also a must and SO cute. It has already arrived and also sitting in one of my parent’s closets. It is a little smaller than I originally thought but works for what it is and is even cuter in real life -if that is even possible. (We already have this!)

If you know me, you know I’m half English/half Irish so tea time is literally in my blood. I am writing this with a cup of tea off to the side. I saw this wooden tea set a while ago and thought they were really cute for the price. I have seen super cute one’s but I just can’t pay that much for a toy I will probably play with more than Hue does! I mean… I will try to incorporate it into all play scenarios but I have a feeling I will be sipping a lot of cups of fake tea solo.

Yes, those ear’s only mean one thing. We are going to Disneyland. Hue is free before 3 so we are taking advantage like days before he turns 3! I will be asking for all the tips for a first time toddler must-haves. This is really for his 3rd birthday and a replacement for a birthday party. We will celebrate together as a family of 3 but parties still feel complicated because of the pandemic and I just want ease for his birthday. We are very excited. Hue has no idea. I cannot wait. (We already have this!)

Recently we were given a balance bike by Hue’s friends. (Here is a balance bike I had my eye on before we received our balance bike which we love.) So, I got Hue a helmet and we have been trying it out every day. I also want to get him a scooter. I have held off for a while because we don’t have a lot of outdoor space and I know Hue is going to be zooming around soon enough. We go to a lot of parks where we can bring the bike or scooter to ride.

So… I feel like this gift is really for me. I have wanted one of these for a couple of years but never pulled the plug and bought one. My husband has known I wanted this so he bought one for Hue the other day. I didn’t really know he was actually purchasing it when we were talking about it. We were in a sand pit at a playground so I thought we would look at different types. He bought this one which is cute and I am super happy to own one. I would have gotten one more like this but they are both adorable. I can’t wait to have a bowl full of pics with dates written on them. (We already have this!)

So, when we have fake tea we need fake tea food too, right? The answer to that question is yes. This food/tower is super cute. It ships from the UK so you know it’s legit for tea. I can totally see Hue and I sitting around his little table drinking fake tea and eating fake tea delicacies while talking about what we are going to do for the day!

We just visited my friend who has a newborn baby. Hue played with all of the newborn’s toys and he played with a tool box thing for a very long time. I found one similar that I think he will like. He already has a tool/desk thing he loves so I know this will be a hit!

Is this not the cutest play phone ever? Hue is still very obsessed with phones of all shapes and sizes. We were just at a school for some testing and he made me talk on the school phone – I don’t even know if anyone was on the line or not? The things you do for your kids… Everything is a phone – blocks, fruit, anything. He has a fake cellphone but I think this will be a cute addition that he will love.

So… yes there are two cameras on here. This one is digital. Which I want Hue to have one that we can download and show him the pictures he takes. He LOVES to look at pictures of the last few days at bedtime. I know he will love this too. So, yes, two cameras are VERY necessary.

An art easel is a must, right?. I love the Ikea one because  of the price and size. It’s perfect for Hue. I have a serious easel for when Hue becomes a famous artist but for now this will do. The price here is what is really right. It’s $2o. It looks like this one is actually being replaced by a newer design. Either are fine. The newer one isn’t available at my Ikea so the older one will do!

I was going to get this for him a while ago and forgot. He is obsessed with sinks but it gets so messy and I feel like I can somewhat control the mess here…

I saw this while looking for another toy. I love this company. They really think about kids when they design toys! They have SO many cool toys!

Then I went into an Educational Insights rabbit hole. I have been eyeing this game for a while! Hue just made the age range!