We sometimes collect rocks as a hobby while visiting the beach or on a walk. Hue is super into rocks and I started to have bags of rocks piling up and I wanted a way to display the rocks. By doing this when I look at the rocks in the vessels and read the name I also remember those moments on the sand or walking with friends down a street. I think it’s a great way to help Hue remember some moments too. It kind of shows him where we have been by showing where we have collected from.

Here is what I needed to make our rock collection. It’s ridiculously easy. It could be completed in an afternoon. Depending on the size of your collection of course.


A vessel (It comes in various sizes) and a label maker. That is it. Super easy.

The vessel could be from anywhere or anything. You could use old spaghetti jars or find a nice array at a thrift store. I picked mine up from target and I already had my label maker I used to label all my spices.

It’s super easy to do and totally worth it for all the memories it brings. Now all you have to do is collect the rocks!