Sensory tables are a thing. I learned about them as soon as Hue was born. We got him his sensory table before he was one years old. I saw the need for it when he would get lost in play on his play dates over these tables. Since we are all in quarantine the need for ways to entertain your child are severe. Luckily any sensory play usually perks Hue right up and gets a lot of energy out for him even if we only stay on our front porch. That is why sensory play is so popular. I have a list of 15 sensory ideas to put in your bin for your child to play with.

Here is the sensory bin I use. I also got a lid for it which is great but you have to buy it separately. When your done you just cover it up! It also can act as a table if needed when the lid is on.

15 Sensory Bin Ideas

  1. sand
  2. corn meal (shown in the pictures)
  3. water + sponges
  4. shaving cream
  5. shaving cream + washable paint
  6. shaving cream + washable paint – lay paper on top to make “marbled” designed paper
  7. water beads
  8. dyed dried chickpeas
  9. dyed dried beans
  10. dyed rice or grain
  11. moldable clay
  12. play dough
  13. kinetic sand
  14. pom poms
  15. cotton balls (pretend snow)

The list goes on and on. This is a good start for now!

For most things I have added old spoons, measuring cups, cups, funnels, scoops and the list goes on. As long as it is  safe to put in their little mouths it will most likely work for the sensory bins. They will want to fill, dump, move, run their fingers through the item(s) you have put in there. Let them. This is their time to really explore and have fun. The dollar store is a great way to find things to put in the bins too. In this quarantine situation where we are not leaving the house, you will find plenty of un-used household items that will work. I just would keep them for kids-play once used in the sensory bin. I have a large container underneath that Hue’s water toys are in now. I picked up the container from Smart & Final.  There are sponges and sea animals in the container waiting for warmer weather. When the weather warms up I will put the corn meal in the bucket and switch with his water toys. I also have water beads waiting to be used too. I have most of the items listed above. Most activities he is still a little young for but I try it at least once and if it was a total disaster I hold that idea until he’s a little older. I also do this activity still in his pajamas or until the end of the day because he gets pretty dirty. Put you can also just change their clothes too…

You can make any of these Holiday Themed or a general theme by dying the product you put in the bin the colors you need to make them festive. You can use food coloring or washable watercolor paint.

This morning Hue was feeling a bit shy and wanted to hold my hand while he played. I totally understand as I was a painfully shy child. Most people who know me don’t believe it but I was! Growing up in such a big family (5 kids + 2 parents) I was forced into a lot of social situations but it wasn’t a natural thing for me to be social. As I got older I had to be social through work in order to make tips as a server so I learned how to be social. It is definitely a skill. For now I just want Hue to explore and learn through play. Sensory play is so great for that! Hope you enjoy some of the activities listed above.