I know the title of this is v dramatic but I am being serious. Take this as a PSA. I first heard about these oranges when I first started work as an art director. Martha Stewart had a radio station that I listened to all day, every day. She honestly would give the best tips about whatever they happened to be talking about. One day she was ranting and raving about Cara Cara oranges. She argued that if you were going to have an orange, that you should let it be this particular type. I had never had such an orange and then I filed this away in my brain for a later use because this was super important information – I just knew it…. Cut to months? Years?  later and I find myself in the Burbank, CA Sprouts citrus section and I see them, sitting all pretty on their tiny designated shelf. They were pricey, like $2 or $3 an orange but I needed to know what this particular orange was all about.

They look like a regular orange from the outside so you can’t see the magic that is happening in the inside. These Cara Cara oranges are life. They have a grapefruit pinkish tone to them and they taste like a super sweet orange with a hint of grapefruit. These would go great in a gin cocktail! The color and the taste would be AMAZING. I am going to have to try that…

The only bummer about these beauties is that they are only on the big shelf next to the oranges for like a week or two, then the price jumps up and they are designated to a tiny corner. So when you see them buy them and then eat them. Enjoy!