It can be so overwhelming on what to pack. So, I have made a helpful list for newborns and toddler diaper bags must-haves. Plus, some great ideas so you never run out of a diaper or an extra pair of clothes when out and about.


Here is a basic idea of what you will need in your newborn or baby diaper bag. The contents will change a bit to your personal needs so here are the basics. Also, you will feel ridiculous the first time you leave your house. You will feel like you have so much extra stuff but you will be able to tailor that down as you figure out what you actually use/need when you are out and about. Here is a good list to start off with:

  • Diaper bag or backpack
  • Changing pad
  • Diapers (kept in plastic bag to keep separate/ clean and you have a built in trash bag when in a jam)
  • Wipes
  • Diaper Cream (We use spray but didn’t discover until later)
  • Sun hat (sun protection) or beanie (warmth)
  • Extra change of clothes (according to the weather)
  • Socks
  • Extra Swaddle Blanket (You probably will already have one on his carseat/stroller. This is just extra when needed. Also great for messes + spills + literally anytime you need something more dry than a wipe!)
  • Pacifiers
  • Bottles (works both for formula or breastmilk)
  • Teethers
  • Baby Tylenol (for teething)
  • Teether relief (Camilia Drops or something like Orajel)
  • Sunscreen (Hue’s pediatrician recommended to make sure his sunscreen had zinc as one of it’s main ingredients)

This does not include all the extra stuff like a baby carrier or a stroller or all the extra things you might need while you are out. Also, It is a great idea to have a container in your trunk with extra diapers/swaddles/blankets/clothes/wipes. The stuff you don’t want to run out of when you least expect it!


  • Diaper bag or backpack (I found a backpack easier as Hue became more mobile)
  • Changing pad
  • Diapers (kept in plastic bag to keep separate/ clean and you have a built in trash bag when in a jam)
  • Wipes
  • Diaper Cream (We use spray but didn’t discover until later)
  • Sun hat (sun protection)
  • Extra change of clothes (according to the weather)
  • Extra Blanket (I have a ton of receiving blankets that I use as so many things. A blanket for an impromptu picnic, a changing pad if I can’t get to mine fast enough, as a giant paper towel, if a surface is too hot, as a giant bib, it’s really endless and we use them all the time when out and about!)
  • Bottles (for milk – we use these transitional bottles)
  • Teethers
  • Baby Tylenol (for teething)
  • Teether relief (Camilia Drops or something like Orajel)
  • Sunscreen (We still look for Zinc based sunscreens)
  • Bugspray! Especially when at a botanical garden or park.
  • Snacks!!! ALL. THE. SNACKS. They are life for toddlers. I keep all of Hue’s in a large ziplock plastic bag.Which I sort daily.
  • Bandaids
  • Neosporin
  • Activity Pouch (Crayons, drawing pad, stickers, anything entertaining, switch out often – great for dining out)
  • My wallet (I don’t carry my purse at the moment – all I really need is my wallet!)

This does not include all the extra stuff. I try to pack according to where we are going. If I am taking him to a place that has water play then I will pack his swim clothes/shoes/towel. Also, Hue now has a cute backpack that he fills up with toys for himself. Also, soon Hue will be potty trained and his diaper bag contents will change again and the load will lessen. Soon after that,  I probably won’t need a diaper bag at all and will go back to using a purse! Excited and sad for that day!

In addition to cleaning out Hue’s diaper bag daily, I also do a clean out like every couple of weeks. Are his extra pair of clothes too small or weather appropriate? Same with his diapers, are they the correct size? Do I need more wipes? Did I leave a sandwich that fell to the bottom of the bag that I forgot about? I also do this with his back up container in the car. I just keep on top of these items. You don’t need them all day, everyday but when you need them, you usually really need that thing so your just helping your future self. It is inevitable that you will think your low wipes bag is enough and end up with a super poopy diaper day and are holding on to each wipe like its gold because in that moment it is precious material.

If you were at a loss on what to pack this is a great place to get started! Happy packing!